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The Student Center wants you to have a fantastic year and get connected with fellow Salukis! Find updates and stay informed about activities, events, promotions, and resources online via our most prominent departments' Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages.
Our social media regularly hosts giveaways, interactive games, student features, event highlights, and much more. Followers who participate are able to win various prizes throughout the semester. Make sure you're following the Student Center social media accounts to learn more!
Tag us in your posts! #siustudentcenter #thisissiu #salukis
Student Center
Facebook: @SIUStudentCenter
Twitter: @SIUStudentCen
Instagram: @siustudentcenter
TikTok: @siustudentcenter
YouTube: SIU Student Center
Office of Student Engagement
Facebook: @SIUGetInvolved
Twitter: @SIUGetInvolved
Instagram: @siugetinvolved
Student Programming Council
Facebook: @spc.siu
Twitter: @SPC_SIUC
Instagram: @spc_siuc
Fraternity and Sorority Life
Facebook: @FSLSIU
Twitter: @SIU_FSL
Instagram: @siu_fsl
Craft Shop
Facebook: Craft Shop SIU
Twitter: @CraftShopSIUC
Instagram: @siu_craftshop
Esports Team
Facebook: @siucesports
Twitter: @SIU_Esports
Instagram: @siu_esports
Discord: SIU Esports
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Facebook: @SouthernIllinoisUniversityCarbondale
Twitter: @SIUC
Instagram: @thisissiu
TikTok: @thisissiu
YouTube: SIUC