Parking at the Student Center
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SIU offers a variety of ways to travel around the Southern Illinois University campus and the Carbondale community. From bicycle maintenance to the Saluki Express, there's nowhere you cannot go!
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Thank you for visiting the Student Center! We have a variety of parking options that can accommodate the length of your visit, no matter how long you will be here.
Students with a Red Decal (Commuter Parking) can park in Lot 11 at any time. Green Decal (Overnight Parking) can park in Lot 11 only between 4:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. to preserve lot space for commuting students, faculty, and staff members. Off-Campus visitors can park in the Visitor Lot (Lot 13), which is closest to the Student Center.
Visitors can pay for parking at one of the two parking towers, or you can use the FloBird App! Available on the App Store and Google Play, you can select your parking spot and pay immediately on your phone. You can add time to your parking sessions directly from your phone and see your remaining time!
If you have any questions about parking, please visit the Parking Division website at, or call their phone at (618) 453-5369.
15- and 30-Minute Spots
If you're just stopping by, we have free parking available for 15-minute and 30-minute durations. Located at the front of Lot 13 (the line of parking spots closest to the Student Center), up to 8 spots are available for guest use.
We ask visitors to only use these spots for short visits to the Student Center. If guests need parking for longer than 30 minutes, please park in the Visitor Lot (Lot 13).
Parking after 4:00 p.m.
If it's after 4:00 p.m., Lot 11 is available for use by anyone! Lot 11 is available for public parking between 4:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. (including Green Overnight decals). Remember, public parking ends at 2:00 a.m.
Access to Marion Airport
Passengers needing access from Carbondale to Veteran's Airport of Southern Illinois can contact Rides Mass Transit District (RMTD) at 844-718-1882 during regular dispatch hours, or by contacting 618-715-0770 during Saluki Night Shuttle Microtransit hours.
Currently, early morning access for the 7:00 a.m. Contour Airlines departure to Chicago may be limited.
Students with their valid Dawg Tag can utilize this and RMTD's other existing routes.